MCCR is charged with enforcing Maryland’s anti-discrimination laws in employment, housing, public accommodations, and state contracts; providing educational outreach services related to provisions of this law; and promoting and improving civil rights in Maryland. Whether you believe you are a victim of unlawful discrimination, wish to train your employees/community on civil rights protections in Maryland, or want to work with MCCR to expand and improve civil rights in Maryland, MCCR is here to help.
Here is an overview of MCCR's services:
Case Processing - when you believe you are a victim of unlawful discrimination, this is where you turn. You must first file a complaint with MCCR via our Intake Unit. If your complaint meets the base criteria (evidence shows there is reason to believe your rights have been violated, the complaint was filed within the required time frame, and the complaint falls under MCCR’s jurisdiction), a Charge of Discrimination will be issued. From there, your case will be assigned to Investigation. During this process, a number of tools may be used, which may include a Fact Finding Conference in an effort to gather information and expedite the case’s resolution. At the conclusion of the investigation, a written finding of either Probable Cause or No Probable Cause is issued. If a Probable Cause finding is issued and no administrative resolution can be achieved then your complaint will be “Certified for Public Hearing.” This means that your case will be transferred out of the Investigations Unit and moved into the Office of the General Counsel. Your case will be represented by MCCR in the Office of Administrative Hearings and/or the appropriate Maryland court.
Office of the General Counsel - all legal matters are handled by the Office of the General Counsel. In addition to litigation, the Office of the General Counsel provides legal opinions and advice to MCCR staff; responds to legal inquiries from the public; facilitates timely responses to requests for information under the Maryland Public Information Act; drafts legislation and regulations; and provides training to MCCR staff (and, upon request, to the public). Finally, the General Counsel represents MCCR in Annapolis on all legislative matters, including representing MCCR when supporting/opposing legislation and providing information to the Governor and General Assembly.
Education and Outreach - Through MCCR’s Community Outreach & Education program, MCCR offers workshops and seminars to agencies, businesses, and community organizations throughout the State. These programs educate the public on matters affecting equal access and opportunity under Title 20 of the State Government Article and Title 19 of the Finance & Procurement Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in housing, employment, public accommodations and state contracts.